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submitted on behalf of Zach Newswanger, Director of Facilities Maintenance

As many have surely noticed, the college has been experiencing trouble with the traffic light at the front entrance on 96B.  The Facilities Maintenance department has been working diligently with electrical contractors to rectify the issue but at this time, the electrical issues with the light will require significant replacement of different controller components in order to restore it to its proper working order.  As soon as a timeline is available to share with the campus community regarding the traffic light's repair, an updated intercom announcement will be posted.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this issue has caused and would like to thank everyone for their patience and understanding while we correct this issue.

Traffic Light at Front Entrance to the College | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Traffic Light at Front Entrance to the College Comment from enicholas on 07/26/11
Thank you for the update. Considering the ever present danger for college
employees and students is there not a way to have campus police provide
assistance during the a.m. and p.m. primary crossing times? This is a serious
accident waiting to happen.
Traffic Light at Front Entrance to the College Comment from athompson on 07/27/11
I agree, a police or facilities presence during those peak times would be greatly appreciated. As someone that makes that crossing each day I can definitely say it would put my mind at ease. Especially since the "average" driver who isn't aware that the light is broken just assumes that it is offline for the summer and starts to pick up speed well before the 50MPH zone. Perhaps a word with the village police and some tickets for speeding might serve as a deterrent until we can get this repair resolved.
Traffic Light at Front Entrance to the College Comment from ccestaro on 07/27/11
As another daily crosser, I have had drivers pick up speed, as well. If an
officer isn't feasible, could we make it a well-marked ALL way stop. That
would help considerably.