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10 ways to Fine Tune Your Brain: 1. Exercise your brain, not just your body Just because you are out of school, doesn’t mean you have to stop learning. Take a class or learn something new whether it is a new hobby or skill. 2. Use both hemispheres Everyone has a dominate hemisphere. The Left Hemisphere controls language, math and logic. The Right Hemisphere is the creative side, controlling spatial abilities, face recognition, visual imagery and music. Practicing using your non dominant hemisphere can keep your mind sharp. 3. Use the internet to keep your brain active Research has found that searching the internet helps to stimulate areas of the brain that control decision-making and complex reasoning 4. Use meditation as a way to alleviate your stress Meditation is proven to be an effective strategy in alleviating stress. Excessive stress kills brain cells so it is important to learn to manage stress. 5. Mindfulness Mindfulness helps with concentration and relaxation. Focusing on your breathing does the whole body a lot of good. 6. Sing out loud Singing out loud keeps your brain young in many ways. Studies show that people who sing out loud are happier because they are not internalizing their thoughts. Singing out loud is a major stress reliever and aids in memory as well. 7. Read a great book Reading keeps your mind healthy and active no matter what the genre is. Reading can also teach you something new and help to expand your boundaries. 8. The world is a mystery Constantly ask questions and explore your surroundings. Explore your curiosity and question everything! Exploring your curiosity exercises your brain and can be very informative as well. 9. Keep Social Staying socially active keeps your mind fit and active! 10. Laugh as often as possible! Sometimes laughter is the best medicine. Laughing releases endorphins (the body's feel good chemical) and studies show that laughter boosts the body’s immune system. This information was provided by web MD. For more information please visit:
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Alison Bowman in Human Resources at or x4-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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