Sign ups begin TODAY in the CAMPUS CENTER LOBBY!!
Alright everyone it's time once again to prepare your most ear-shattering high notes, get ready to rock out, and bring us all you've got because Ithacappella, Ithaca Colleges only all-male a capella ensemble, is ready and waiting for you to blow us away!
Auditions will be held at Presser Hall in the Whalen Center for Music on Saturday, September 3rd. Come see us in the CAMPUS CENTER LOBBY between 9am and 4pm on the Wednesday-Friday leading up to the auditions to sign up for a time slot. Time slots go quickly so get them while they are still... hot?
Now.. We know that this audition is probably one of the more important events in your life up to this point; and you may be left speechless by the beauty and grace of those you are auditioning for, but fear not...because they are all pretty cool. The audition process is very laid just have some fun with it!
So this is how the audition will break down: We will need you to please prepare... two solos of contrasting styles (fast/slow, happy/sad, hot/cold, up/down, Coke/Pepsi, right/left... you get the jist). Please try and select a verse and a chorus, (about one minute) of each song.
You will be auditioning for President/Representative for the Haus of Gaga Jimmy Knowles, Vice President Cody Ripa, Conductor Chris Miranda, Assistant Conductor Peter Blanford, Treasurer Andrew Chambers, and Communications Manager Ned Brennan. Feel free to seek any of us out if you have any questions on the process, the group, or just want to chat it up. Most of us could use all the friends we can get.
In addition to your two solo pieces, please feel free to bring to the table anything else you feel could wow us! Can you rap like Nas? Beatbox like that crazy french guy? We wanna hear it. Do you arrange? Bring us something you've arranged. Anything that you think will impress us!
Callbacks will be held later that evening and our first rehearsal is the next day, so you will want to be sure to block off that whole weekend for some fun-filled funerific... funness.
We could not be more excited to kick off this year and look forward to seeing some fresh faces! For more information, head on over to our website or shoot an email to
**Look out for our performances around campus the week leading up to auditions to get a better feel for what we're all about!**