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Take the Green Office Challenge!

Contributed by Marian Brown on 09/01/11 

How sustainable are your workplace habits? Take the Green Office Challenge and see.  All members of the Ithaca College community who work in a campus office or department - including all full and part-time staff and faculty as well as student employees – are invited to compete in the Green Office Challenge.

The Green Office Challenge online survey covers the broad range of sustainable workplace practices, ranging from your awareness of related college policies and programs, to your efforts to conserve energy and water resources at work, your support for recycling and waste reduction efforts, as well as decisions you may make related to the procurement of "green" products in your office, events you may hold or organize, and your commuter transportation choices.  

This comprehensive survey form may take you up to 20-30 minutes to complete, but at the end, you should get a good idea of how some of your current choices, habits, and practices that you follow can add up to help make Ithaca College more sustainable. You should also come away with ideas about some of your less sustainable choices that you might wish to think about more carefully.  

All those who complete the on-line survey will be awarded "Green Office Challenger" points. At the end of the survey form, you will be given a raw score by the survey system. Our Green Office Challenge team will then need to evaluate your survey responses to determine your total eligible points (deducting questions which you indicate are not applicable to your work situation). You may also apply for extra “innovation points”, which will be evaluated by the Green Office Challenge team. You may note the inclusion of a few (non-scored) attitudinal questions which will help guide decisions about future sustainability outreach education, employee training and operational improvements.

Your final total adjusted score will earn you one of the following levels of Green Office Challenge achievement: Participating (50%), Bronze (60%), Silver (70%), or Gold (80% or higher). Each participant will receive an appropriately colored Green Office Challenge certificate denoting their achievement level. We hope you will proudly display your award certificate in your workspace to remind yourself to keep on “doing the right things right” and to challenge yourself to adopt even more sustainable habits.

We hope you will encourage others in your office or department to similarly challenge themselves to become more sustainable. If more than 50% of the members of an office or department decide to participate in the Green Office Challenge, the whole office can register for "Green Office" recognition – your office supervisor will receive a “GREEN” certificate to display publicly.

We will also note the latest Green Office Challenge results in the Kudos section of Intercom on a regular basis.

The Fall 2011 Green Office Challenge round will run between September 1st and October 31st. We will repeat the Green Office Challenge in the Spring semester, so everyone can challenge themselves to become even more sustainable in the future and get achieve a “greener” rating.

The Fall 2011 round of the Green Office Challenge is now open – participants may take the Green Office Challenge survey until October 31st.

Take the Green Office Challenge survey

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