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Physics Department Seminar Series - Fall 2011

Please join us for a talk entitled

Entropy and Geometry: From Directed Self-Assembly to Phase Behavior of Custom-Shaped Colloids with Thomas Mason of UCLA


We develop and exploit anisotropic roughness-controlled depletion attractions to direct self-assembly, to study equilibrium phase behavior, and to examine jamming of monodisperse custom-shaped microscale partic dispersed in a viscous liquid. By observing two different systems of hard regular pentagonal platelets and hard square platelets, in which the platelets are confined yet diffuse in a plane, as a function of particle density using optical video particle-tracking microscopy, we reveal rich structural disorder-order, order-order, and order-disorder transitions, as well as rotational and translational jammed states that have dynamics reminiscent of glasses. Brownian squares in 2-d undergo isotropic-hexagonal rotator crystal-rhombic crystal transitions as the particle density is increased, whereas Brownian pentagons undergo an interesting order-disorder transition to a frustrated state at the highest densities, reflecting spatial frustration, since pentagons cannot fully tile a plane. Overall, these model colloidal systems reveal interesting and beautiful equilibrium and non-equilibrium physics that arise from the simple yet subtle combination of entropy and geometry.


Tuesday, September 13th at 12:10 pm in CNS 204

Pizza and Refreshments will be available for $1.

Please bring your own cup.

Remember to Recycle, Reuse, Reduce.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact the Physics Department at We ask  that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Thomas Mason of UCLA GIves a talk on Soft Matter | 0 Comments |
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