Want to make a difference on campus? Student Government will be holding elections on September 15th and 16th for a number of different positions in our Senate!
Student Government Association represents the student body to the administration. We're 21 Senators and 7 Executive Board members who vote on issues that affect you.
On September 15th & 16th, we will be holding elections for the following openings.
- 4 Senators for the Class of 2015
- 3 Senators for the Class of 2012
- 1 Senator for the School of Business
- 1 Senator for the School of Music
- 1 Senator for the School of Humanities and Sciences
- 1 Senator for the School of Health Science and Human Performance
- 1 Senator for Transfer Students
- 1 Graduate Liaison
How Do I Run?
- If you wish to run for a position, pick up an elections packet from our office in the SAC (311 Ebert Hall, directly above Grand Central) or go to our website any time after 5 PM on September 8th. Packets are due on September 13th at 5 PM. There can be no exceptions to this policy.
- Students who hand in their packets will present their platforms at the SGA Meeting on September 14th at 8:15 PM in IC Square.
- Elections will be held the 15th and 16th. Winners will be notified by 5 PM on the 16th.
How Do Elections Work?
- All students are eligible to vote via email.
- You will receive an email around noon on the 15th where you can vote for all candidates that you're eligible to vote for (Your class and academic school).
- Voting will stay open until Friday the 16th at noon.
What if I Don't Want To Run? Can I Still Be Involved?
YES! SGA offers student-at-large positions on all three of its major committees (Campus Affairs, Budget, and Communications) as well as assistantships for all of our exec-board.
For More Info Check out our Website: www.ithaca.edu/sga or see us on facebook!