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Chemistry and Biochemistry faculty member co-authors paper.Contributed by Scott Ulrich on 09/19/11 Scott Ulrich, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry co-authored a paper in the Journal of Biological Chemistry titled Acetylation of heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) regulates human myometrial activity. Abstract: Phosphorylation of heat shock protein 20 (Hsp20) by protein kinase A (PKA) is now recognised as an important regulatory mechanism modulating contractile activity in the human myometrium. Thus agonists that stimulate cyclic AMP production may cause relaxation with resultant beneficial effects on pathologies that affect this tissue such as the onset of premature contractions prior to term. Here we describe for the first time that acetylation of Hsp20 is also a potent post translational modification that can affect human myometrial activity. We show that histone deacetylase 8 (HDAC8) is a non-nuclear lysine deacetylase (KDAC) that can interact with Hsp20 to affect its acetylation. Importantly, use of a selective linkerless hydroxamic acid HDAC8 inhibitor increases Hsp20 acetylation with no elevation of nuclear-resident histone acetylation nor marked global gene expression changes. These effects are associated with significant inhibition of spontaneous and oxytocin-augmented contractions of ex-vivo human myometrial tissue strips. A potential molecular mechanism by which Hsp20 acetylation can affect myometrial activity by liberating cofilin is described and further highlights the use of specific effectors of KDACs as therapeutic agents in regulating contractility in this smooth muscle. The small-molecule inhibitor used in this study was invented by Ithaca College students Keris Krenn-Hrubec and Mark Hedglin. This paper demonstrates how myometrial cell contraction is regulated and that it is controllable by pharmacological agents. These drugs could be further developed to prevent preterm delivery. |
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