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IC Spirit Week Events!

Contributed by Rachel Heiss on 10/11/11 

Spirit Week is almost over, but it's not too late to attend some of our great events! Keep filling out the raffle tickets at each event so you can be entered into the raffle at the Fall Splash Picnic! 

Wednesday: Comedian John Cassidy hosted by the Student Activities Board (8-10 pm, IC Square) 

ThursdaySGA's Taste of Ithaca hosted by the Student Government Association (8-10 pm, Fitness Center) 

Friday: IC Spirit Day hosted by FUSE (10 am-2pm, Emerson's North Foyer) 

SaturdayHabidash hosted by Habitat for Humanity (9:30-11 am), Fall Splash Picnic (Fitness Center Quad, 11 am-2 pm) 

**NOTE: Campus Center Dining Hall will be closed on Saturday, October 15 due to the Fall Splash Picnic.

Use your meal plan pass to swipe in to the picnic! Don't have a meal plan? The cost of the picnic is only $9 for a delicious catered meal, featuring lots of great stuff to do. Students and alumni will have the opportunity to dunk the Senior Class in the dunk tank, receive slushies in Spirit Week cups from the SGA, tie dye with STAT, and much more!** 

For more information, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, our website, or send us an email at!


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