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If someone has passed out, or is experiencing any other medical emergency from drugs or alcohol, don't hesitate. Call for help!

Ithaca College’s Medical Amnesty Policy (IC MAP) can prevent you or a friend from getting into trouble with the college when you call for help to assist someone experiencing an alcohol or drug-related emergency. Alcohol poisoning and drug overdose can be fatal. Be a good samaritan. Help save a life!

Call Public Safety If Someone Has Any of These Symptoms:

  • Mental Confusion or Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • An injury
  • Difficulty standing up
  • Seizure
  • Slow or irregular breathing
  • Blue-tinged or pale skin
  • Low body temperature (hypothermia)
  • Unresponsive ("passed out"), can't be roused

Public Safety Emergency Phone: 607-274-3333

Medical amnesty is granted by the Office of Judicial Affairs after a review of the case. For more information on the details of the IC MAP, please visit: Center for Health Promotion.


Calling for help is NOT a "Crime"...Remember IC MAP! | 0 Comments |
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