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Disability Awareness event on Universal Design this Tuesday! (SLI credit)Contributed by Rebecca Borowski on 10/16/11 Come to a one hour presentation on Universal Design for Disability Awareness Month presented by Patrick Walsh (from the Diversity Awareness Committee) and get Student Leadership Institute credit! Two presentations, this Tuesday and next!
Interrogating Ableism, Exploring Universal Design- Tuesday October 18- Over Lunch Hour (12:05-1:10)- Taughannock Falls room The goal of this presentation is for participants to understand and recognize Universal Design. Universal Design is not about evolution, the dinosaurs or the big bang theory. Universal Design is the intentional creation of products and environments to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible. Participants who experience this session will understand how we live in a world of accommodations and inequality rather than a just environment. Being a Disability Ally- Tuesday October 25- Over Lunch Hour (12:05-1:10)-Williams 221 The goal of this session is to understand the definition of disability and its relationship in American Culture. Why do we say the "R" word so much? How do we define normal as it relates to ableism? Through personal stories, research and media we will reveal disability in America. Participants will walk away knowing how to be advocates for everyone regardless if a person considers themselves disabled or temporarily abled. |
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