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Learn about how to get free tix to a show in Dillingham, participate in a survey, free coffee at TC Lounge, and where to go for more information specifically for transfer students!



                               SHIFT= Support and Helpful Information For Transfers


I.  November SHIFT Events:

Thursday, November 3: Thursdays in Handwerker
6:00pm in Handwerker (meet at lower library entrance at 5:45 pm)
    Topic: Themed reading by novelist Anna Solomon along with students from the   Department of Writing.  An open reading will follow.

Thursday, November 10: Summer Study Abroad
1:30pm Lunch in 6-Mile Creek (lower level of the Campus Center)
12:10pm Study Abroad Session in Textor 101

Wednesday, November 16: TC Lounge Study Break
8:00 pm in TC Lounge (top of the East Tower)
*TC Lounge gift certificates will be provided to the first 10 people who show up!

Upcoming programs can be found on the Transfer Website:

First-Year Experience will be buying 10 tickets for transfer students interested in seeing Illuminating Bodies on Tuesday, December 6 @ 8:00pm. Tickets will go to the first students who RSVP to Erica Shockley ( by November 4. Dinner will be served before the evening performance.

II.  Information and Updates:

~ Sign up for the transfer listserve called SHIFT:

~ Check-out the transfer facebook account:

SHIFT is looking for new coordinating board members because we are graduating! Fall semester meetings happen every Wednesday at 1:00 pm in the OSEMA Conference Room   (325 Egbert Hall, Campus Center). If you are interested, please contact Erica Shockley at - even if you cannot make this semester’s meetings!

III. Feedback Opportunity:
For those of you in your first semester at Ithaca College, we hope the semester is going well and that you are settling into life at IC. First-Year Experience is seeking feedback about your orientation experience. Be on the LOOK OUT for our transfer orientation evaluation survey coming to your e-mail account soon!

IV.  Tips from the SHIFT Coordinating Board:
See more information on the Transfer website:


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Erica L Shockley at or (607) 274-1908. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.


 SHIFT: November Information and Updates for Transfer Students | 0 Comments |
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