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Sigma Xi Conference Travel Fund – Call for applications

The Sigma Xi Steering Committee is now accepting applications from students (and their mentors) for conference travel funds in the sciences. Note: The award policies have changed this year, so please read carefully. Also note that there will be a second call for applications early in the spring semester.

Sigma Xi has funds available to sponsor the travel of one or two top students to enable them to attend and present their research at a national or international science meeting in their discipline this academic year. The applications will be judged and awards will be made for travel costs of up to $1000. The Steering Committee’s intent is that the travel award be an honor given to an outstanding student who is currently a member of Sigma Xi or will likely qualify for nomination into the society.

Applications consist of an application from the student and a letter of support from a mentor. The student’s application should include a statement indicating the scientific importance of the project, the student’s contribution to the project and the relevance of the research project to the candidate’s career plans. It should also include a description of the conference to be attended, the type of presentation (oral or poster), an abstract, and the amount of travel funds requested. In addition to the statement, the student should also include a resume.

The faculty mentor’s letter should clearly identify the specific contributions the candidate has made and provide evidence of the student’s ability to represent him- or herself, the research, the department, and the College at these events.  Previous presentation of the student’s research/scholarly activities at a campus event or off-campus meeting is a plus. The faculty letter should also consider the likelihood that the student will qualify for membership in Sigma Xi. The criteria for membership are outlined below.

Send the applications by email to Bruce Thompson ( by November 4, 2011 with the subject line including the words “Sigma Xi Travel-applicant name”.

If you have questions please contact a member of the Sigma Xi committee. Jean Hardwick (Biology), Barney Beins (Psychology), Anna Larsen (Chemistry), Bruce Thompson (Physics).

Sigma Xi Honor Society membership criteria

The national criteria for associate (student) membership include research aptitude [in pure or applied science] as “evidenced by independent investigation ordinarily resulting in a written report. Membership is offered to encourage young investigators with promise to continue careers in research.  In making the nomination … the nominator … must attest to the nominee’s potential for future promotion to Member.”

The local committee has interpreted this to mean:
1. Evidence of scholarship through either of the following forms:
 a.) Authorship/co-authorship of a publication in a recognized scientific journal, or
 b.) Presentation of a paper at an off-campus scientific conference (e.g., ECSC,
regional or national discipline meetings, NCUR, Sigma Xi conference)

2. Clear intention of going further in a research environment, (e.g. graduate school, industrial lab)

3. For seniors: at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average and a science and
math GPA of at least 3.3. For non-seniors: an overall GPA of 3.3 and a science and math
GPA of 3.5.  Faculty nominators should submit the student's GPA along with the
nomination form.

About Sigma Xi

The Scientific Research Society, is nonprofit membership society of approximately 60,000 scientists and engineers who were elected to the Society because of their scientific research achievements or potential. Founded in 1886, Sigma Xi has more than 500 chapters at universities and colleges, government laboratories and industry research centers. In addition to publishing American Scientist magazine, Sigma Xi awards grants annually to promising young researchers, holds forums on critical issues at the intersection of science and society, and sponsors a variety of programs supporting honor in science and engineering, science education, science policy and the public understanding of science.

The local chapter, The Paulen Smith Chapter at Ithaca College, was established in 1965 and is named for Paulen Smith, Professor of Physics (Emeritus), who has been an officer and advocate for Sigma Xi for more than 30 years.

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