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Ithaca College staff member receives honor at CSPA-NYS conferenceContributed by Brian McAree on 10/26/11
Ithaca College was well represented at the CSPA-NYS annual conference: Patrick Walsh, Residence Director, and J.J. Brice, Circles Community Director, presented a session titled “Make a Statement: Creating a Dedication to Inclusion and Multiculturalism.” Nikki Lynn, Career Counselor in the Office of Career Services, served on the special events committee. The committee helped to plan a case study competition and other social events and gatherings during the three-day conference. Jen Walsh also served on the pre-conference committee, which organized pre-conferences for undergraduate students and graduate students interested in the field of student affairs. Three Ithaca undergraduates, Questen Benjamin ’12, Ashley Braziel ’13, and Scott Natchlis ’12, attended the Next-Gen NY pre-conference which is designed to introduce interested undergraduate students to the field of student affairs. Doreen Hettich-Atkins, Coordinator of Special Programs and Services in the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Life, completed her 3 year term as president of this organization and was inducted into the Crystal Circle of the organization recognizing her leadership. More information about CSPA-NYS can be found at |
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