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Participate in small-group roundtable discussions with officers and staff from a wide range of U.S. unions, labor leadership and other social justice organziations.  During this event, you'll be able to learn about a variety of career fields including: professional union work, labor law, public policy & labor journalism, while meeting with labor union and social justice advocates. 

Held at Cornell University on Friday, November 18 from 1:00pm - 5:00pm in the Statler Ballroom.  Pre-registration is required via email to (please include your full name, Ithaca College, class year & local phone number in the e-mail).

For additional information on this event, please visit or contact Career Services (, 607-274-3365, 101 Muller Center).

For additional information on the Thursday evening viewing and discussion of "Made in Thailand," please e-mail


Meet social justice and labor leaders at the Labor Roundtable - Announcement from Career Services | 0 Comments |
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