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Where the Water Meets the Sky is the inspiring story of a group of women in rural Zambia who learn how to make a film as a way to speak out about their lives. The documentary is produced in partnership with Camfed, which works to educate girls and invest in economic and leadership opportunities for young women in Africa. To view the trailer, visit:

Food for Thought will be screening the documentary on Today, November 14th at 7 p.m. in Textor 101. The screening is free and refreshments will be provided. 

Food for Thought is an organization dedicated to serving children around the world who are facing malnutrition, lack of education, and poverty. To learn more about Food for Thought, visit: or

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact IC Food for Thought at We request that accommodations be made as soon as possible. 

Documentary Screening TODAY: “Where the Water Meets the Sky” hosted by Food for Thought   | 0 Comments |
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