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The Sustainability Café on Monday, November 28th will feature Dr. Sandra Steingraber speaking on “The Personal and Public Experience with Environmental Contaminants.” The Café will be held in Center for Natural Sciences Room 112 at 4:00PM. The Fall 2011 Sustainability Café series is held in conjunction with the Environmental Seminar.

Ecologist, author, and cancer survivor, Distinguished Scholar in Residence Dr. Sandra Steingraber is an internationally recognized expert on the environmental links to cancer and reproductive health. Proclaimed “the new Rachel Carson” by the Sierra Club, Steingraber authored the highly acclaimed book, Living Downstream: An Ecologist Looks at Cancer and the Environment", which presented cancer as a human rights issue. The Heinz Family Foundation recently named Dr. Steingraber as a recipient of the Heinz Award, given for significant achievements benefitting the environment. Steingraber has publicly pledged to use her cash award to combat the practice of hydraulic fracturing for natural gas extraction.

This event is free and open to the public.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Marian Brown at 607-274-3787 or We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

“Teachable edibles” – local, organic and/or seasonal snacks – for the Fall 2011 Sustainability Café series are being sponsored by Ithaca College Dining Services whose motto is “Sustainability – Healthy – Fresh.” Please bring your reusable mug and fill up at the nearest drinking fountain or provide your own beverage of choice.

Drink in a new way to think in the Sustainability Café.

Sustainability Café on November 28th explores human health impacts from environmental contamination | 0 Comments |
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