REMP (the Resource and Environmental Management Program) is excited to bring a new pilot program, Carry-In/Carry-Out Classrooms, to the School of Business. We strongly encourage students and faculty to take personal responsibility of their waste and dispose of it properly in the Compost-Recycling-Trash (CRT) stations on each floor instead of in the classrooms.
Beginning Monday, November 28 (the day classes resume after Thanksgiving break), the trash and recycling bins in each classroom in the School of Business will be removed to promote this initiative that will benefit the entire campus.
The staff of Facilities supports this campaign, as it will allow them to empty the waste bins throughout the day as needed, rather than being limited to times when classrooms are not being used. It will also educate students and faculty on proper waste sorting and encourage them to practice it more so that it becomes second nature. Finally, reducing the amount of trash we produce will save the College money, as each trash bin removed by Facilities costs money, as well as reduce our carbon footprint.
Look out for REMP’s Eco-Reps on Monday, November 28, who will be “trash copping” at the CRT stations in the School of Business - i.e., helping you distinguish between what is compostable, recyclable, and trash.
You asked for it, and we're bringing it... More composting on campus!
REMP has also resurrected the composting program for residents of the Garden and Circle Apartments. There will be a compost bin outside near the other waste bins with a lock on it (to prevent contamination). If you would like to participate, please email to receive the combination to the lock.
Soon thereafter, we will be expanding the composting program to the rest of the residence halls on campus in a similar fashion. Look out for more details soon!
FYI... What’s compostable:
- Food scraps
- Serviceware from Ithaca Dining Retail locations, including:
- Paper plates
- Napkins
- Utensils
- PLA plastic cups and containers (Greenware/Ecotainers)
- Wax paper
Find more information about what is compostable, recyclable, and trash here. Please email with any questions or comments.