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The Center for Faculty Excellence has a great line up of programs for the spring semester. Take a moment now to review these faculty development dates and events and mark your calendars!

Please note:  The Tenure & Promotion Seminar and the Assessment Summit event RSVP's are provided under separate links provided below.  To RSVP for the other events in this article, click here.


Tenure & Promotion Seminar

February 7, 2012: 8:00-10:00 a.m.
Presenter: Michael Richardson
Klingenstein Lounge

Register here

Are you going up for tenure and/or promotion? Then this workshop is for you. Michael Richardson, past member of the All-College Tenure and Promotion & Committee, will discuss helpful hints in the T& P file preparation process.

Please review the following documents prior to attending this workshop.

Faculty Handbook: Policies and Procedures for Faculty

Procedures for File Preparation


Assessment Summit

February 9, 2012

12:00 to 5:30 pm

Clark Lounge

Register here

The Summit will provide faculty with an opportunity to network and collaborate with peers on common assessment interests and practices.

Learn how to incorporate outcomes assessment into your classes.  Hear about effective assessment practices that are in place at Ithaca College.

Intended goals for this assessment summit are:

  1. To provide information about the current status of assessment at Ithaca College
  2. To provide opportunities to network, collaborate and interact with peers around assessment ideas, tools and strategies
  3. To provide take away strategies and techniques to implement in programs and individual courses
  4. To provide useable information on the more interesting aspects of assessment and enable you to be accountable for your program outcomes.


12:00 – 1:00 pm          Luncheon

                                      Overview of the current status of assessment at Ithaca College

                                      Karen Edwards and Danette Johnson

1:10 – 4:00                  Round Table Discussions

4:00 - 4:40                  Keynote Speaker

                                     Dr. Debra Instone-Noonan

                                     Associate Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Canisius College

4:00 – 5:30                  Wine and Cheese Reception

Register here


Qualtrics: Online Survey Tool

February 15, 2012

12:00 - 1:00 pm

Clark Lounge

Ithaca College now owns a campus-wide license to Qualtrics, one of the most professional online survey creation tools on the market. During this demonstration, you will see how to quickly gain access to Qualtrics and learn about its robust capabilities.  Also information will be shared about where to find best practices in survey research through the virtual Ithaca College Survey Research Center.


Ithaca Seminars: Attributes of LA Courses (1st date)

February 27, 2012

3:30 - 5:30 pm

Clark Lounge

Ithaca Seminars: Attributes of LA Courses (2nd date)

February 28, 2012

12:00 - 2:00 pm

Clark Lounge

This workshop will focus on identifying the attributes of liberal arts courses and how to effectively build these attributes into established courses.


EdTech Day: Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium


March 22, 2012

Time:  Sessions offered throughout the day.  Schedule TBA

Location: TBA

Started in 2010, the Symposium is organized by the Finger Lakes Faculty Development Network (FLFDN) as a part of Ithaca College’s annual Educational Technology Day. The sessions will present innovations in, and best practices for, using both common and new technologies for teaching and learning, as well as scholarship assessing the effect of technology on student learning. Anyone may submit a proposal for a Symposium session. Guidelines, and a link to the proposal submission form can be accessed here.


Parnassus & Grants

March 23, 2012

12:00 - 2:00 pm

Clark Lounge

This introductory session  is oriented toward faculty who have view only access to account information in Parnassus. The training session will be structured to provide an overview of accounting structure, glossary of terms, and to identify areas of interest for future training.


You will be able to look your project up in Parnassus and

·         know what reports are available

·         how to read reports

·         ensure you have proper access


Ithaca Seminars (ICSM) Course Building: Round Table

March 26, 2012

12:00 - 2:00 pm

Clark Lounge

Work with a seasoned ICSM faculty member to develop and refine course proposals.


The Integrated Core Curriculum (ICC)

April 4, 2012

12:00 - 2:00 pm

Clark Lounge


Internal & External Grants

April 18, 2012

3:00 - 4:00 pm

Clark Lounge

Speakers:             William Kay, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations.

                            Carol Henderson, Associate Provost for Academic Policies and Administration

Ithaca College offers a variety of internal grants for faculty, to support their continuing development as teachers and scholars. Carol Henderson, Associate Provost for Academic Policies and Administration, will describe each of these competitive grant programs and the processes for application and review.

Ithaca College has a number of programs funded through external support from public and private support. In this session you will learn about the resources that the College provides to help you be successful in proposing, securing and managing external grants. This portion of the presentation will be presented by William Kay, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations.


May Faculty Institute




Spring Faculty Development Conference




Please note that the Tenure & Promotion Seminar and the Assessment Summit event RSVP's are provided under separate links provided below.  To RSVP for the other events in this article, click here.


This luncheon is by invitation only. Recognition of all internal and external awards, faculty emeritus, and faculty excellence recipients for the academic year 2011-2012. Sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee and the Office of the Provost.



Please note:  The Tenure & Promotion Seminar and the Assessment Summit event RSVP's are provided under separate links provided below.  To RSVP for the other events in this article, click here.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Janice Elich Monroe at or 274-3172. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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