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Take a look at OUCH!, a monthly security awareness newsletter from SANS:

The January issue of OUCH! outlines how to securely setup and deploy your home Wi-Fi Network.

From the website:
OUCH! is the world's leading, free security awareness newsletter designed for the common computer user. Published every month and in multiple languages, each edition is carefully researched and developed by the SANS Securing The Human team, SANS instructor subject matter experts and team members of the community. Each issue focuses on and explains a specific topic and actionable steps people can take to protect themselves, their family and their organization. OUCH! is distributed under the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 license. You are encouraged to distribute OUCH! within your organization or share with anyone you like as long as it is not used for commercial purposes.

Other cyber security awareness resources are available from the SANS Securing The Human Program, so take a look and let us know if you find anything particularly useful.

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OUCH! Free, Monthly Security Awareness Newsletter | 0 Comments |
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