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The following is contributed on behalf of William Kay, Acting Director of Grants and Sponsored Projects: If you plan to submit a proposal in the coming semester, please familiarize yourself with the Grants and Sponsored Projects website as well as the routing process that includes submitting an Intent to Submit form 6-8 weeks before you plan to submit your proposal and completing an Accelerated Routing form 2 weeks before your submittal. The process is required to ensure campus approvals are in place for your proposal. Additional support for developing funding opportunities, preparing your proposal, or completing the Intent to Submit or Routing forms is available. Please contact for assistance. Already have a grant in process and want to access and understand budget reports? Parnassus training, sponsored in conjunction with Faculty Development, will be provided on March 23, 12:00-2:00pm in the Klingenstein Lounge. Additional Parnassus workshops will also be provided by Financial Services throughout the spring semester. Finally, proposals are now being accepted for the 15th Annual Whalen Symposium scheduled for April 11, 2012. The website will be updated as plans for this event are finalized.
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