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Joshua Bonnetta's film chosen for Berlin Film FestivalContributed by Melissa Gattine on 01/29/12
The public program of the Berlin International Film Festival shows about 400 films per year, mostly international or European premieres. Films of every genre, length, and format find their place in various sections. American Colour was selected for the Forum Expanded section of the festival. "Joshua Bonnetta’s American Colour (note the bi-national spelling), was shot on old rolls of 16mm Kodachrome during a pilgrimage from the stock’s birthplace inupstate New York to Kansas, where its final rolls were processed earlier this year. Like a postscript to Dean’s Kodak, American Colour explores Kodachrome’s historic use and singular hues, doing so with digital means in the wake of its obsolescence." - Andréa Picard. American Colour screened at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) in September, and was featured on The National, the flagship nightly news and current affairs program from Canada's public broadcaster, CBC. For more information about film’s screening at the Berlin Film Festival, click here. |
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