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We all know that we should eat healthy and exercise, but there's more to it than just looking good. A healthy lifestyle will result in a longer, more enjoyable, and more successful life. Give your body the TLC that it needs now- rather than later.

Here are some tips to remember:

To Maintain a Healthy Weight:

  • Say "No" to 'fad' diets. Research show that they don't work! Stick with eating healthy and exercising, click here for some helpful healthy eating advice
  • Think of health as a lifestyle- then dieting is not necessary.
  • Be more active, here are some tips to help you get started.
  • Use a pedometer to track your daily steps.
  • Exercise with a friend.
  • Take group workout classes at the Fitness Center. A schedule can be found here.
  • Turn off the television and go for a walk.
  • Skip the sugary drinks- flavored water and iced herbal teas are healthier alternatives.
  • Skip the fast food and late-night eating. It's easy to pack on the pounds if you're sedentary after consuming unhealthy calories.
  • Snack on fruits and vegetables, rather than chips and salty carbohydrates. Add some peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese for extra protein.
  • Think before you eat! Practice mindful eating to decipher hunger and satiety levels.

For more helpful information, visit the Center for Health Promotion website for nutrition and healthy eating advice. Make an appointment with the nutritionist on campus, Cathy Saloff-Coste, MS, RD, CDN. (fee for service). You can reach Cathy by calling her at (607) 277-2053.

Submitted by: Maria Behrens '12

Student Wellness Tip of the Week: Maintaining a Healthy Weight and Lifestyle | 0 Comments |
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