The Journey of Lent, a time of repentance and renewal, culminates in Holy Week and the Easter Triduum. The Ithaca College Catholic Community celebrates the most solemn days of the year!
Holy Week commences on Palm Sunday, April 1, 2012, when we recount and reenact Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and recall Jesus’ passion and death.
The Easter Triduum begins on Holy Thursday, April 4, with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, recalling Jesus instruction to His disciples, the washing of their feet, and the sharing of the consecrated bread and wine. This is followed by hours of watchful waiting, remembering Jesus’ agonizing time in the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest.
The Liturgy of the Word, Cross and Communion is celebrated on Good Friday, April 5, commemorating Jesus’ passion, crucifixion and death. In solemn prayer, we recognize Jesus’ selfless sacrificial love for us.
On Holy Saturday evening, the Easter Vigil, the dramatic and most beautiful liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church, marks the beginning of Easter!! With candle-light and hymns of praise, with scripture proclamations and psalm responses, with renewal of baptismal promises and celebration of Eucharist, with communion and commission, we celebrate Jesus’ triumph over sin and death, and we renew our own hope in resurrection.
Easter Sunday is the Day of the Resurrection—a day of hope, a day of triumph, a day of celebration, a day of love. On April 7, we celebrate Jesus as Lord, risen from the dead, seated “at the right hand of the Father”, drawing us all to Himself! Death has been conquered, love has triumphed!!
Come join the Ithaca College Catholic Community during this holiest and most solemn time of the year. Come join the Ithaca College Catholic Community as we celebrate Holy Week and the Easter Triduum.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Carsten Martensen at or (607) 274-3184. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.