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This is a friendly reminder that Friday, March 30th, is the due date for Technology Renewal Summer 2012 questionnaires.

If you have already completed your questionnaire, thank you!

If you haven’t yet done so, it’s easy – and the questionnaire is short! Just go to this link

...and log in with your IC Netpass username and password, and select “View and Modify Assets Assigned to You.”    

If you are submitting a change request that generated a chargeback form, or if you have funding for MacPro lab systems, we need to have the completed and approved forms submitted to ITS by  March 30th as well.

Important Notes:

(1) Apple MacPro: The renewal program no longer provides no-cost replacements for the Apple MacPro systems.  If your department has secured funding to replace existing MacPro computers please let me know as soon as possible. The charge amount is $1,000 per system. Otherwise, all MacPro computers will be replaced with iMac computers.

(2) Windows 7: Beginning this summer ITS will begin to deploy the Windows 7 operating system on newly-installed computers.Public labs WILL REMAIN AT WINDOWS XP; all other newly-installed PC systems, including eClassrooms, will come with the Windows 7 operating system. If you use older, specialty applications please verify with the manufacturer that your software is compatible with Windows 7.

(3) Mac OS X Lion: Newly-installed Apple computers, including labs and eClassrooms, will be delivered with the Mac OS X Lion operating system starting this summer.  If you use older, specialty applications please verify with the manufacturer that your software is compatible.

Completed and approved change/MacPro forms must reach the ITS main office by March 30th to insure changes are included in the summer computer order. The form requires that you obtain signatures for charge-back approval, so please keep this in mind.

Department Technology Coordinators may complete questionnaires in the absence of the guardian.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITS HelpDesk at 4-1000. We appreciate your assistance with the Technology Renewal Program.


Summer 2012 Technology Renewal questionnaires are due this Friday! | 0 Comments |
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