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 Ithaca College In The Media

Contributed by Anonymous on 04/10/12 

Quoted in the media: Faculty members Jeff Cohen, Patty Zimmermann and Tom Shevory; student Jimmy Knowles. For more information on the following articles, please visit the IC in the Media page at the Office of Media Relations:

IC in the Media

Christian Science Monitor
April 4, 2012
Jeff Cohen, associate professor of journalism
Keith Olbermann: the cautionary tale of why he was fired, again

Inside Higher Ed
April 4, 2012
Patty Zimmermann and Tom Shevory
Long distance mom: Saving birds

BBC Radio
April 4, 2012
Jeff Cohen, associate professor of journalism
 “Up all night

US News & World Report
April 5, 2012
Jimmy Knowles, president of the senior class
College Student Leaders Divided on benefits of student government


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