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Gain leadership experience and make a difference! Join SAFER's E-Board!Contributed by Evelyn Quinn on 04/10/12 Gender, Sexuality, Human Rights, Feminism, Politics, Media... If any of this piques your interest, consider applying for a position on Students Active For Ending Rape's (aka SAFER) E-board! Students Active for Ending Rape is a pro-active organization on campus that strives to end rape, victim-blaming, and rape culture (societal attitudes that condone and normalize sexual violence) through education and raising awareness. We meet every Tuesday from 7-8pm in Williams 224. If you're interested in applying for a position, please email SAFER at for a short application. All are welcome and encouraged to apply, whether you're a longtime member or brand new to SAFER! Questions? Comments? Email To stay updated on SAFER, Like Safer Ithaca on Facebook!
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