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Faculty can assist SDS staff by observing the following procedures: 1. You will receive an email request for each exam scheduled by a student taking a final with Student Disability Services. 3. In the event that you cancel or change your exam to a take home final but still receive a test request, please notify the office at 274-1257 or via email ( We're not always made aware of cancellations and will continue to contact you to request a copy of the exam unless we hear from you. 3. Do not send tests via campus mail as the exam may not arrive in time; also, this is not a secure method of delivery. 5. Please remember to include special instructions (e.g. open book/open notes), blue books, and Scantron sheets with the exams. 6. Whenever possible, please put images, pictures, etc. on a CD or flash drive, ensuring both test security by avoiding use of the internet and an accurate visual image (e.g. color images for art history exams). Thank you for your assistance. |
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