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Several Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology graduate students presented at the first annual Master's Level Graduate Research Conference held at The College of Brockport, State University of New York, on April 14, 2012. This conference highlighted graduate research projects from western and central New York as well as from Ontario, Canada.

Patricia Buckley, M.S.
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Skott Freedman
Speech-language pathologists in the schools: what’s working and what isn’t.

  • This project reviewed multiple surveys conducted over the past decade with school SLPs regarding the greatest challenges and overall job satisfaction.

Maritsa Sherenian, M.S.
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Skott Freedman
A cross-disciplinary assessment of autism.

  • This project reviewed multiple surveys of autism awareness across a variety of disciplines in order to discover the understanding of autism in different professions.

Valerie Daly, M.S.
Faculty mentor: Assistant Professor Yvonne Rogalski
“Tell me about it:” Targeting Wernicke’s word-finding with discourse treatment.

  • This project addressed the procedures and outcomes of using the ARCS treatment with an individual who is four years post-stroke and has a diagnosis of Wernicke’s aphasia.

Julie Balazs, M.A.
Faculty mentor: Clinical Associate Professor Marie Sanford
Auditory Discrimination and Oral Reading as Predictors of Oral Proficiency in Non-native English Speakers

  • This project presented findings from an ongoing study that examines Mandarin speakers for their oral proficiency in American English. Factors related to Mandarin influenced English are explored.

Chea Snyder, Carolyn Paskoff, and Liz Rotheim
Faculty mentor: Clinical Associate Professor Marie Sanford
Sensory Integration Approaches in Speech-Language Therapy: Why the Controversy?

  • In this project eighty eight regional health care professionals (nationally certified OTs and SLPs) were surveyed for their education/training in sensory modulation disorders and their reliance on evidence-based practices in treating this population. Analyzed results were presented.

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