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Last call! Your input matters. Staff Appreciation Survey due FridayContributed by Rebecca Borowski on 05/15/12 At Ithaca College we believe that staff appreciation matters. We understand that the ways employees prefer to be recognized vary from one employee to the next, so we’d like to hear from you! We invite and encourage you to take this brief survey regarding staff appreciation and recognition at Ithaca College. The college strives to be an employer-of-choice that values the work of employees in a way that is meaningful to them. This survey is a means of gathering feedback on the ways that employees would like to be appreciated and recognized. Results of the survey will be anonymous and confidential. We appreciate your time and look forward to your response! Please check your e-mail for the Staff Appreciation Survey 2012. You may also contact your Staff Council representative or email if you have any questions/concerns or need a paper version. Supervisors – please print and post this message for employees in your department without email or computer access. Extended Deadline to Submit Friday May 18, 2012. The results of this survey will be used in further discussions with Human Resources surrounding the development of future staff appreciation programs. Thank you for your participation! Sincerely, (Members volunteered from an Intercom announcement from Human Resources requesting the establishment of this committee.)
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