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Below is your Summer Dining Schedule:

Thank you for selecting Ithaca Dining Services as your summer dining solution!


Monday, May 21st Friday, June 1st  (see special Memorial Day schedule below)

La Vincita:

-        OPEN:  Monday ─ Friday:  7:30am ─ 2:00pm & 5:00pm ─ 6:30pm

La Vincita, Grand Central Café & Food Court:

-        CLOSED:  Saturday & Sunday**

**How to Order Your Weekend Meal Solutions – Order by Thursday for Friday Pick-up**

1.      See cashier to get your order/selection form and all program details.

2.      Select and pre-order menu items provided on the form (see cashier for form)

3.      Order form must be submitted to the cashier by Thursday at 6:30pm.
         This will ensure that your selections will be available in time for pickup.

4.      Pick-up your pre-ordered Weekend Meal Solutions (see cashier)
          Pick-up:  Friday,  5:00pm ─ 6:30pm.


****MEMORIAL DAY, Monday, May 28th****

La Vincita:

-        OPEN:  Brunch,  10:30am ─ 1:30pm

****Weekend Meal Solutions: Pre-order & Pick-up****

-        Pre-order:  Friday, May 25th by 6:30pm   (special Memorial Day menu)

-        Pick-up at La Vincita:  Monday, May 28th from 10:30am – 1:30pm


Monday, June 4th Friday, June 22nd

La Vincita:

-        OPEN: Monday ─ Friday,  7:30am ─ 11:00am

Grand Central:

-        OPEN: Monday ─ Friday, 10:00am ─ 2:00pm

Food Court:

-        OPEN: Monday through Friday, 11:00am ─ 2:00pm

La Vincita, Grand Central Café & Food Court:

-        CLOSED:  Saturday & Sunday**

** Weekend Meal Solutions: Pre-order & Pick-up

-        Pre-order:  Every Thursday, by 6:30pm (see cashier)  

-        Pick-up:  Every Friday from 5:00pm ─ 6:30pm (see cashier)

Summer 2012 Student Meal Plan Customers – Dining Schedule | 0 Comments |
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