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Ithaca College Smoking Policy

Contributed by Cynthia Smith on 06/28/12 

 Submitted by Staff Council

In recognition of research demonstrating that smoking is hazardous to both the smoker as well as the non-smoker who may be breathing secondhand smoke, New York State has adopted a law that imposes a number of restrictions on smoking in indoor areas open to the public. The following policy was adopted by Ithaca College in order to comply with this law.

General Guidelines

Smoking is prohibited in all residence halls and apartments, dining areas, classrooms, theaters, auditoriums, gymnasiums, the indoor pool area, laboratories, the library, individual offices, College cars and vans, meeting rooms, lounges, balconies, hallways, stairwells, lobby areas, restrooms, elevators, waiting rooms, areas that contain photocopying equipment or other office equipment used in common, and all other indoor campus facilities unless otherwise indicated below.


The following areas are designated for outdoor smoking:

Academic Buildings


·         East side – Traffic circle

·         Pool entrance – Parking lot on south end of building

·         Main entrance – West side patio with stone benches

·         North end – Loading dock area 20 feet from building

ADMIN ANNEX: South exit facing Landon Hall

ALUMNI HALL: Next to Garage


·         Level 1 - East exit facing the Fitness Center

·         Level 1 - South exit outside Demotte Meeting Room facing Residence Halls

·         Level 2 - Academic Quad


CENTER FOR NATURAL SCIENCES: North exit facing Cayuga Lake

CERRACHE CENTER: Along guardrail in K-lot

COMPOST BUILDING: Concrete pad north of building

DILLINGHAM CENTER: F-lot parking median


·         South side - Stone wall next to J-Lot

·         North side - Ground floor next to guardrail


·         ADMINISTRATION BLDG - SW end of building

·         SHOPS/WASHBAY/GREENHOUSE - Next to the Salt tent

·         GROUNDS/MAINT. GARAGE - Patio on SW end of bldg

·         CARPENTER SHOP - Grass area between shop and General Services bldg


FORD HALL/JJ WHALEN CTR: Academic Quad/Textor patio

FRIENDS HALL: Academic Quad/Fountain


GENERAL SERVICES/PUBLIC SAFETY: Grass area between shop and General Services bldg


HILL CENTER: Academic Quad/Fountain

JOB HALL: Academic Quad/Fountain

MULLER CENTER: Academic Quad/Textor patio

MULLER CHAPEL: Base of stairs leading to E-lot

OBSERVATORY: Outside fence on north side of bldg


PARK COMMUNICATIONS: Side entrance, East side facing the Administration Annex

SMIDDY HALL: Academic Quad/Fountain

TERRACE 1 (DINING HALL): By stop sign on Tower Skyline Drive

TEXTOR HALL: Academic Quad/Textor patio

TOWERS DINING: Ground floor next to guardrail 


·         South side, stone wall next to J-Lot

·         North side, ground floor next to guardrail

PEGGY RYAN WILLIAMS CENTER: F-lot parking median

WILLIAMS HALL: Area nearest Phillips Hall

Residential Buildings

COLLEGE CIRCLE APARTMENTS: Patio area on the east side of the Community building.

BOOTHROYD HALL: Patio on south end of building


·         North side, by soccer field fencing

·         South end, lawn area off bridge


·         South side, stone wall next to J-Lot

·         North side, ground floor next to guardrail


·         South side, stone wall next to J-Lot

·         North side, ground floor next to guardrail

LOWER QUADS (Bogart, Clark, Eastman, Landon, & Lyon): Center quad lawn area

UPPER QUADS (Hilliard, Holmes, Hood, Rowland, & Talcott): Center quad lawn area

GARDEN APARTMENTS (25, 26, 27, 28, & 29): Patio area between Garden 25 & Garden 29

TERRACE 1 & 2: By stop sign on Tower Skyline Drive 


·         Center quad lawn area outside Terrace 5

·         Lawn area outside Terrace 7 next to grill

·         Start of fire lane between Terrace 12 & 13


Ithaca College Smoking Policy | 5 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Ithaca College Smoking Policy Comment from znewswanger on 06/29/12
I would like to make a couple of recommendations to this policy:
1) a map showing these designated locations would be very helpful, and with
the use of google earth, actual pictures of these locations can be hyperlinked
to the policy providing a better description and almost pin point location for
where smokers can be.
2) a piece from the policy that seems to be missing is that the recommended
minimum distance a person should smoke from any part of a building including
overhangs is 20 feet which is a state guideline.
3) I also did not read any statement encouraging all smokers to make sure
they properly dispose of there cigarette butts, and not throw them on the
ground, as this creates work for our facilities grounds and services staff, and at
times causes fires and is not at all estheticly pleasing. This being said,
possibly identifying where cigarette receptacles are located would also be
I would be happy in any way to help with the recommendations that I have
listed above.
Sincerely, Zach Newswanger, Director of Maintenance, Facilities
Ithaca College Smoking Policy Comment from esomin1 on 06/29/12
i agree completely with the man who commented before me. also, many
times there are no receptacles for cigarette butts. so they only option is
to throw them on the ground. as well, the majority of the time the
receptacles are so full with cigarette butts that you simply cannot fit
anymore in. this causes fire hazards as well as littering. i have seen the
box behind emerson open and spill all the butts on the ground because
it had not been emptied or cleaned in months. pretty gross.
Ithaca College Smoking Policy Comment from millman on 06/30/12
This is also true at Gannett Center - since there are small buckets with sand but they are near the doors so this is where people smoke. When I ask people to move, they usually glare at me unfortunately.
Ithaca College Smoking Policy Comment from dperry1 on 07/01/12
I would like to make a recommendation and that is to build some sort of over-hang shelter for smokers that are not far away from the main entrance doors to the buildings. The main reasons the smokers hang out at the entrances are because of the weather and the places for discarding cigarette butts are right next to the doors. If you make designated spots without shelter and are too far away (Ex. parking lots), people will just break the rules for multiple reasons. Put simply, if you make the desired behavior more convenient, people will be less likely to break the rules.
In the end, smokers have a spot for themselves and everyone else doesn't have to walk through a cloud of smoke when entering/leaving a building. As a bonus, the "shelters" can be built in a location that still meets NYS regulations. Everyone wins, everyone is happy, issue solved.
Ithaca College Smoking Policy Comment from mhaner on 07/02/12
Shelters are a great idea and would hopefully lessen the amount of smoke congregated around parking lots. Even though it's outside, having to walk through a cloud of smoke every day to get to my vehicle is almost as bad as dealing with such while exiting/entering a building.