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Reminder: Dedication of the New Backstop at Freeman Field, July 20Contributed by Chris Pollock on 07/06/12 Time is running out to RSVP for this free event! Please register online by this Tuesday, July 10, or contact Belinda McGill at 274-1388 or The campaign to build the new backstop at Ithaca College's Freeman Field brought out the best in the Bomber family. This spring, players, spectators, students, and families had the chance to enjoy the improvements and have taken tremendous pride in these upgrades. To celebrate this accomplishment, the baseball program is hosting a ceremony to officially dedicate this new aspect of our beautiful facility -- and the entire campus community is invited. The dedication will be held at 5:30 p.m., Friday, July 20, at Freeman Field and will be attended by head coach George Valesente '66, M.S. '75, College president Tom Rochon, members of our current team, Bomber baseball alumni, and members of the community. We hope to see you July 20. Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Belinda McGill at or (607) 274-1388. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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