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Dear Ithaca College Faculty and Staff:

The following e-mail was sent to our incoming and returning students, and our new students also received a hard copy of the Alcohol and Other Drug brochure during Summer Orientation. We hope that you will review the brochure and become familiar with the new protocol. Please contact the Office of Judicial Affairs should you have any questions or concerns.

Dear Ithaca College Student:

As you return this fall we wanted to make you aware of some significant changes in the protocol regarding the College’s judicial response to alcohol and marijuana violations. Specifically, the changes serve to equalize the judicial sanctions and interventions for both alcohol and marijuana. This new protocol represents the outcome of a collaborative process involving staff, faculty, students, and administrators. The original Equalization Proposal was presented in 2011 by the student organization, Students for a Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) and endorsed by the Student Government Association (SGA). SSDP is also the organization that proposed the Medical Amnesty Policy (MAP) that was successfully implemented on our campus over the last two years. Please be aware that the alcohol and drug policies that are part of the Student Conduct Code have not changed, this protocol relates only to the judicial sanctions and educational interventions for such violations.

Students representing SSDP and SGA worked along with members of the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Team,  to develop an understandable and consistently enforced protocol with clear outcomes regarding violations of the Student Conduct Code and Residential Life Rules and Regulations. It is our hope that this new protocol will reduce the harm from substance abuse and improve the health and success of our students. The judicial protocol places an emphasis on educational interventions which are intended to help students make safer and healthier choices in the future. Please note that there are program fees associated with each sanction. The fees will be used to directly support alcohol and other drug education and intervention programs for IC students.

Please go to the Judicial Affairs website to familiarize yourself with the current Alcohol and Other Drug Policy and the new judicial protocol. It is your responsibility as an Ithaca College student to be aware of the policies. If you have any questions or concerns about this new protocol please contact the Office of Judicial Affairs at or call (607) 274-3375.


Michael Leary

Assistant Director of Judicial Affairs

On behalf of the Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Team

Download Alcohol and Other Drug Policy and Judicial Protocol Brochure
PDF Document - Size: 432 kB


New Protocol for Alcohol and Marijuana Judicial Violations and Educational Interventions | 0 Comments |
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