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Posted on behalf of Rory Rothman, Senior Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life

The Ithaca College Student Handbook is now on-line and may be accessed at  There is a lot of valuable information in the handbook, including the student conduct code, policies, and residential life information, with which you should become familiar.

The College is also required by law to provide information related to federal and New York State laws that are critical for you to know, including the College’s Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. 


At the links below, you will find relevant information on personal safety and crime prevention strategies, the law enforcement authority of campus security, policies and procedures for reporting crimes that may occur on campus, sexual assault and hate crime laws, and crime statistics for the most recent three-year period.  To maximize your personal safety and the security of your personal belongings, please take time to read the following sections carefully.

You will also find important information on education records, unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials, graduation and retention rates, and student financial aid information.

Graduation Rates and Retention Rates

Student Financial Aid Information and application procedures

Public Safety, reporting crimes, and campus crime statistics

Public Safety –

Sexual Assault legislation –

Hate Crimes legislation –

Crime statistics –


Standards of conduct with respect to illegal drugs and alcohol, description of legal sanctions and health risks, as well as availability of drug and alcohol counseling.


Information on the Sex Offender Registry and access to related information


Information on Ithaca College's response to sexual violence and Title IX information issued by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights.


Daily Crime Log

The Office of Public Safety maintains a daily log listing all criminal offenses required to be reported under federal law.  The log lists the date, time reported, time occurred, general location, and disposition of the offense, if this information is known at the time the log is created.  Certain information may temporarily be withheld to protect a victim or maintain the integrity of an in-progress criminal investigation.  The daily crime log is available for public inspection during normal business hours at the Office of Public Safety or anytime online at


Public Safety and Fire Safety Reports/Annual Security and Fire Safety Report

In accordance with federal reporting requirements mandated by the Clery Act, the Office of Public Safety maintains a daily log of all crimes and all fires that are reported to Public Safety.  This information is made available to the community and the public and provides specific details on all crimes and all fires that are reported to the Office of Public Safety.  Information on various other activity that Public Safety responds to is included in these logs and can include, but is not limited to, the following:  bias-related incidents, emergency medical and fire responses, referrals for alleged violations of the student conduct code, assistance provide to outside law enforcement agencies, damage to campus property, and motor vehicle accidents.  Public safety and fire safety reports are prepared daily and are updated as necessary, consistent with federal reporting requirements.  These reports are available on-line at

Additionally, other information required by the Clery Act, including detailed information on campus safety, security, and crime/fire statistical data can be found in the College’s “Annual Security and Fire Safety Report” prepared and published annually by October 1 by the Office of Public Safety.  This publication is available online at  To obtain a hard copy of the publication, contact the Office of Public Safety at 607-274-3353.

Emergency Communications, Preparedness and Response

As part of the College’s overall emergency planning efforts  and as a member of the Core Emergency Response Team at Ithaca College, the Office of Public Safety publishes an emergency readiness and response guide which contains important information on what to do and where to go for instruction and guidance in an emergency.  The publication includes policies and protocols related to emergency management, including the following:  Reporting Emergencies; Emergency Notification System (ENS); Outdoor Warning System; Timely Warning Notifications and Public Safety Alerts; and definitions/guidelines for action specific to emergency conditions, evacuation and sheltering in place and how and where to sign up for the College’s ENS.  Visit Emergency Preparedness and Response at  Hard copies of this document will be distributed early in the Fall semester to all faculty, staff and residential students.  Off-campus students can print a copy from the website or contact the Office of Public Safety at 607-274-3353.

FERPA – The Federal Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment)
FERPA (The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is designed to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate and misleading data.

Unauthorized Distribution of Copyrighted Materials

The unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials including peer to peer file sharing may subject a student to civil and criminal liabilities.  The potential legal penalties for violating federal copyright law include the payment of any profits made, damages that can range up to $150,000 for each act of infringement, attorneys fees and court costs, as well criminal fines and imprisonment.  Information about Ithaca College policies with respect to unauthorized peer to peer file sharing can be found in the student conduct code at

Students can also review the College’s Technology Use Policies ( and the Digital Citizenship website ( ) for more information about appropriate use of the College’s information technology systems and about how to respect the rights of others and protect your reputation and your security in a digital environment. 



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