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A Lot (near Rowland Hall), Lower J Lot (behind the Towers) and D Lot (between Clarke and Bogart Halls) will be closed beginning Saturday, August 25th at 7pm through Sunday, August 26th.

These lots will be reserved for students and families who need to unload their belongings for check-in. Once the vehicle is unloaded it will need to be moved to another lot for longer term parking. We recommend that students who normally park in A lot move their cars to C Lot. Students/staff who normally park in lower J lot should move their cars to upper J Lot or L Lot near the Terraces. Students who park in D Lot can move their cars to S or O Lots.

We thank for your cooperation in making these lots available for move-in weekend.

Parking Lot Closures for Move-in Weekend | 0 Comments |
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