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Over 265 student, faculty, staff and alumni volunteers came out to help our new students move in this past Sunday!

They "swarmed" cars in the quads, directed traffic - one way please!- in the Terraces, entertained the families waiting for an elevator in the Towers, and filled laundry bins with way more than laundry in Emerson Hall!!

Through out the day, new students and their families commented again and again that they were grateful for the assistance - and how welcome they felt in our Ithaca College community. 

So, many, MANY thanks to all the volunteers who pushed, pulled, carried, smiled, laughed, sang and welcomed the newest members of the IC family!!


A huge Thank You to the 2012 Move In Crew! | 1 Comments |
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A huge Thank You to the 2012 Move In Crew! Comment from marnold on 08/31/12
Thanks for organizing this event! It's always such a great time and the families are so appreciative. I must admit it was FUN to see the Provost, Deans, faculty, staff and students having such a fun time together. See you again next year!