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Students can find career opportunities with 62 companies, nonprofit organizations & government agencies at the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair on Monday, Sept. 10.  All majors and class years are encouraged to attend.

You can meet recruiters from companies such as GEICO, Marketing Werks and Manning & Napier LLC; nonprofits like City Year, Peace Corps and the State Theatre of Ithaca; government agencies like the FBI, U.S. Department of State and NY State Department of Taxation & Finance.  Most organizations are seeking students from a variety of majors, so be sure to review the complete list of registrants by logging into your eRecruiting account.

WIN one of three $50 Bookstore Gift Certificates by entering our contest on Facebook and Twitter! The contest starts this weekend, so make sure you check our pages later today to learn how to enter the contest.

Get ready for the fair:

  • Attend the Career Fairs: Why You Should Go & What You Should Know workshop (9/6 at 12:10pm) - reserve your seat in eRecruiting 
  • Get resume advice from a Human Resources professional on 9/6 or 9/7 (click here for info) or during Career Services daily drop-ins (M-F, noon-4:30pm)
  • Make sure your professional outfit is ready to wear
  • Research the organizations that will be attending

Three employer information sessions are scheduled for Monday, Sept. 10 in Career Services:

The Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair is sponsored by the Office of Career Services in partnership with the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs and the Senior Class of 2013. 


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Career Services at or (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Career Opportunities with 62 organizations at the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair, sponsored by Career Services | 0 Comments |
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