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Tonight is your chance to meet recruiters from 68 companies, nonprofit organizations & government agencies at the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair (Monday, Sept. 10).  The fair starts at 5:00 in Emerson Suites and you are encouraged to arrive early so you'll have enough time to meet the recruiters.

All majors and class years are encouraged to attend.  To view the list of registered employers (including majors sought & positions offered), please login to your eRecruiting account. 

You'll want to bring copies of your resume and wear professional attire.  For assistance preparing for the fair, please come to drop-ins this afternoon in Career Services (noon-4:30).

Three of the fair recruiters are hosting information sessions earlier in the day, in Career Services:

  • Marketing Werks at 12:30
  • City Year at 3:00
  • U.S. Department of State at 4:00

The Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair is sponsored by the Office of Career Services in partnernship with the Office of Student Engagement & Multicultural Affairs and the Class of 2013.

Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Career Services at (607) 274-3365. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Go to Emerson Suites Tonight (9/10) for the Job, Internship & Volunteer Fair (sponsored by Career Services) | 0 Comments |
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