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All faculty, administrators, and staff are invited to a reception welcoming Ms. Sonali Samarasinghe to Ithaca College. Please join us for coffee or a glass of wine, and light refreshments, on Wednesday, September 19, from 4:00 until 6:00PM in the Klingenstein Lounge. 

Honors is very happy to announce that the International Visiting Scholar in Honors for AY2012/13 and AY2013/14 will be Sonali Samarasinghe, a prominent Sri Lankan journalist, lawyer, and human rights activist.  As International Visiting Scholar in Honors, Ms. Samarasinghe will speak and teach in a wide variety of settings across all of the schools at Ithaca College, within a number of venues in the Honors Program, and in the wider community that surrounds us.  Ms. Samarasinghe’s position is co-sponsored by the Provost of Ithaca College and Ithaca City of Asylum - part of a worldwide network of Cities of Asylum that offer support to writers whose lives and creativity are at risk in their home countires.



Welcome Sonali Samarasinghe to Ithaca College - Wednesday, 9/19 4-6PM - Klingenstein | 0 Comments |
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