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Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations (SCNO), a student-run pro-bono organization providing consulting services for nonprofit organizations, is accepting applications for general members. SCNO assists clients with marketing, organizational strategy and finance. Students of all majors are encouraged to apply. 

Please apply by 9/26:

Many interested students ask us how SCNO is different from other student groups with seemingly similar missions. The difference is in the quality of deliverables, rigor of the program and educational value of the engagements. Our nonprofit clients consistently tell us that we provide more valuable and more comprehensive deliverables than other groups at both IC and Cornell.

Students enjoy a wide range of benefits:

Networking – You’ll connect with talented peers and gain access to a national network of consulting professionals
Leadership – Challenge yourself with Team Leader, Project Manager, or Executive Board positions
Resume Development – Professionals recognize that the SCNO member experience involves the collaboration of the brightest minds
Community Service – Use your skills to show your concern for the greater good and enhance non-profit impact on our community
Organization & Management – Learn how consulting firms work, everything from client management to internal operations
Fun & Friends – You’ll meet people with shared interests and will have an amazing time working together 

Questions? Contact or visit

To learn more about SCNO, join us at our rush night on Wednesday 9/19 at 8 PM in BUS 204. There will be pizza!

Apply today to join Students Consulting for Nonprofit Organizations (SCNO) | 0 Comments |
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