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The Center for Faculty Excellence is pleased to announce the following October events.  Please visit for additional events offered through the Center for Faculty Excellence. 

CLASS BLOGS: How Creating a Virtual Classroom Can Enrich the Real One
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316
Light refreshments provided.

Presented by Kelly Dietz, Assistant Professor, Department of Politics

--Politics Professor Kelly Dietz will share the class blogs she uses in her courses and discuss how she uses them to improve student engagement with course materials, course topics, and each other.

Register Here


Tuesday, October 9, 2012
12:10 - 1:05 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316
Light refreshments provided.

Presented by Stephen Sweet, Associate Professor and Chairperson of HSR
Department of Sociology

The All-College Review Board for Human Subjects Research (HSR) is a standing committee at Ithaca College responsible for reviewing all-College research and teaching activities conducted by faculty, staff, and students that involve the use of human subjects to ensure that these activities minimize the potential for risk.

To comply with federal and state laws for protection of human subjects in research and Ithaca College policies, all research that involves human subjects must be reviewed by and must receive approval from the HSR Board prior to data collection

Schedules permitting, you are invited to attend part or this entire event.

Register Here

Friending Your Textbook: Using Social Networks to get Students to Read and Analyze Text and Video
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316
Light refreshments provided.

Presented by John Barr, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science.

This workshop introduces Classroom Salon, a web site that is part electronic textbook (think kindle) and part social network (think facebook). The goal is to leverage student’s familiarity with social networks to get them to engage in conversations around documents such as textbooks. In Classroom Salon instructors form students into social groups, called salons, and introduce documents, text, and videos into the salons. Students then cooperate in highlighting, annotating, and discussing (but not editing) the text/video and cooperatively answer questions about the it. Classroom Salon also contains analytical tools that help instructors determine how much students are participating. Though there are some similarities to blogs and wikis and web sites such as Pizzaza, Classroom Salon provides a much richer and more focused experience, as we’ll see in the workshop.

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Thursday, October 11, 2012
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316 (with subsequent events in other places)
Light refreshments provided.

Led by Jake Brenner
Faculty Manager, Ithaca College Natural Lands

Ithaca College has more than 400 acres of natural lands (ICNL) within walking distance of the built campus. All of this land is at your disposal for teaching your courses. In light of calls across higher education for active inquiry, experiential learning, and learning by doing, not to mention the IC 20/20 imperatives for place-based curriculum and interdisciplinary integration, there has never been a better time to consider taking your students outside.

This series of events will begin with a general introduction to ICNL (indoors) by faculty and students who use these lands. We will present maps, projects, and current courses that use ICNL. This general introduction will be followed at a later date by a more focused workshop on field teaching techniques and strategies. The primary objective of these events is to reach out to faculty OUTSIDE the usual departments (ENVS, BIOL, et al.) that might have an interest in field teaching but minimal experience. We also welcome faculty who are ignorant (or even doubtful) about the relevance of the outdoors to their subject matter. We will strive to find a meaningful teaching and learning experience for everyone who attends!

Schedules permitting, you are invited to attend part or this entire event.

Register Here

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
12:10 - 1:05 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316
Light refreshments provided.

Presented by Jari Aho
Jari is a lecturer at JAMK University in Jyvaskyla, Finland, and a leader in Faculty Development both in his native country and internationally. He comes to IC as part of a faculty exchange agreement with JAMK University.

Faculty members often value having students engage in collaborative learning. Jari Aho will lead us through an exploration of group development through action-oriented methods of learning. A variety of methods for group development will be discussed in an experiential format. This will be a highly interactive session with a focus on problem solving and application to the classroom.

Schedules permitting, you are invited to attend part or this entire event.

Register Here

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
1:00 p.m.
Center for Faculty Excellence, Gannett Center 316
Light refreshments provided.

Presented by Jari Aho
Jari is a lecturer at JAMK University in Jyvaskyla, Finland, and is a leader in Faculty Development both in his native country and internationally. He comes to IC as part of a faculty exchange agreement with JAMK University.

Those of us who teach at IC are experts in our disciplines, but have to learn how to translate our expertise into effective teaching. This is a challenge faced everywhere in higher education. Jari will explain the approach used in Finland to help disciplinary experts become expert teachers. Can we adapt aspects of the Finnish model to Ithaca College? After his presentation, Jari will lead a discussion with members of the Faculty Development Committee.

Schedules permitting, you are invited to attend part or this entire event.

Register Here



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Laurie Wasik at or (607) 274-3734. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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