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Under the Technology Renewal Program, Ithaca College provides current computing hardware to support an up-do-date and reliable computing environment for faculty, staff and students. At the same time, the college is committed to managing its technology resources in an organized and cost-effective manner. To that end, ITS recently undertook the process of evaluating the life-cycle of all supported computers and network printers in the renewal program. We found that Apple MacPro tower computers and HP networked laser printers in particular are reliable past their current replacement intervals, allowing us to stretch the replacement cycles of these devices. 

Based on these findings, the following changes are being made to Technology Renewal Program:

  • Starting with the summer 2012 installs, Apple MacPro tower computers will be up for renewal every four years (instead of three).
  • Beginning immediately, all standard networked laser printers will be replaced every six years (instead of four).

While these changes may seem significant, they better establish the optimal point at which these particular assets can be replaced with minimal impact to end users while at the same time maximizing the college’s technology investment. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes, please feel free to contact me.

Irene Scott

Technology Renewal Changes: Apple MacPro Tower and Networked Laser Printers | 0 Comments |
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