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Want to learn about IC's Natural Lands? Come to one of our workshops or workdays - open to the entire campus community!  

  •  9/26 Wednesday (Tomorrow!), 2:30pm-6pm, Stilt-grass Pull and an introduction to invasive species on South Hill, meet at the ICNL Kiosk behind Terrace 10.
  • 9/27 Thursday, 4-5pm, Bird Identification Walk with Professor Emeritus John Confer, meet at the IC Permaculture Garden - we will walk around the Chapel Pond.
  • 9/29 Saturday, 1-2pm, Nature Trail Guide Training/Nature Walk with Madison, meet at Terrace 13.
  • 9/30 Sunday, 1-4pm, Stilt-grass Pull and introduction to invasive species on South Hill, meet at the ICNL Kiosk behind Terrace 10 every hour on the hour, or walk the nature trail to find the group.
  • 10/4 Thursday, 4-5pm, Medicinal Plants Walk with Professor Jason Hamilton, meet at the ICNL Kiosk behind Terrace 10.


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Amber Zadrozny at We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

Learn about IC's Natural Lands with our workshops and workdays!! | 0 Comments |
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