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Semester and Midterm Exam Information from Student Disability ServicesContributed by Linda Uhll on 09/26/12 Regular semester testing has picked up and midterms are approaching quickly so here are a few reminders about preparing test materials for students electing to take their tests with Student Disability Services:
*Please email the test to, or deliver a copy to 110 Towers Concourse at least 24 hours before the time of the test. If sent via email, please indicate whether a scantron form or blue book will be needed. *Please let SDS know, in advance, if special software will be needed for this test (Minitab, SPSS, etc.). Without advanced notice we cannot guarantee that we will be able to reserve lab space in time for the test. We need to know 24 hours in advance if special software will be needed. *If audio or visual files are needed for the test, please include them on a flashdrive or a CD and send them with the test. Please also tell us what programs will be needed to play them. Test security is a priority in our office and, as such, student workers do not have access to your emailed tests. If you deliver your test, please bring it between the hours of 9:00 and 5:00, and give it to a staff person in 110 Towers Concourse. This will ensure that students do not handle tests once they are received by our office. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact SDS at 4-1257. A final note. We’ve received a number of phone calls from faculty asking if they need to sign students up for tests and why students who have test accommodations listed on their Academic Adjustment Plan haven’t made arrangements to take a test with our office. It is the responsibility of the student to sign up for an exam a minimum of three business days in advance. Also, students may elect not to take an exam with the office if they prefer to take it in the class so they can ask questions or feel they may not need it for certain kinds of tests. You are not responsible for providing additional testing time if the student elects to take the test with the class. |
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