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Do you want to relax more? Mindfulness meditation can help reduce stress! You are welcome to drop in for this weekly group whether you’re a beginner or a person experienced with meditation.     

Come for one meeting to check it out with no commitment or join us every week if you like what you find.  Past group members are also welcome to return to practice. Group meets Tuesdays 4:00-4:50 PM at Counseling and Psychological Services and runs at that time every Tuesday when classes are in session. 

Facilitator: Paul Mikowski, Psy.D.  Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations are asked to contact Counseling and Psychological Services at 607-274-3136 as early as possible. 

IC CAPS Mindfulness Meditation group- Drop in! Tuesdays 4 - 4:50 PM starting 1/22 | 0 Comments |
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