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Itohan Osayimwese, Assistant Professor of Art History received the 2012 Jeffrey Cook Award from the International Association for the Study of Traditional Environments (IASTE).

IASTE is a forum for the comparative, cross-cultural, and interdisciplinary study of traditional dwellings and settlements as an expression of cultural conventions. The organization awards two Jeffrey Cook Awards at its biennial conference--to the author of the best paper written by a scholar and to the author of the best paper written by a student. Professor Osayimwese received the 2012 scholar award for her paper, "Architecture and the Myth of Authenticity During the German Period in Cameroon." The paper will be published in IASTE's semi-annual refereed Journal, Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review.

Itohan Osayimwese, Assistant Professor of Art History, wins Jeffrey Cook Award | 3 Comments |
The following comments are the opinions of the individuals who posted them. They do not necessarily represent the position of Intercom or Ithaca College, and the editors reserve the right to monitor and delete comments that violate College policies.
Itohan Osayimwese, Assistant Professor of Art History, wins Jeffrey Cook Award Comment from malpass on 10/10/12
Congratulations, Itohan. This is very impressive and we are all glad to see your
work rewarded.
Itohan Osayimwese, Assistant Professor of Art History, wins Jeffrey CookAward Comment from rlesses on 10/10/12
Congratulations, Itohan - this is a great honor!
Itohan Osayimwese, Assistant Professor of Art History, wins Jeffrey CookAward Comment from millman on 10/12/12
Nice work! Congratulations!