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What is Hospice?

Hospice is a health-care facility that is designed to provide pain control and emotional support for terminally ill patients and their families.  Hospice care focuses on bringing comfort, self-respect, and tranquility to people in the final year of life, and typically refrains from taking extraordinary measures to prolong life.


Hospice Facts

  • ·         Today there are more than 4,700 Hospice Programs in the United States
  • ·         Hospice cared for 965,000 people enrolled in Medicare in 2006
  • ·         Hospice cared for nearly 1.4 million people in the United States in 2007

*These facts were provided by the Hospice Foundation of America.  For more interesting facts and information please visit:


DON'T FORGET: come to the “Live as Fully as Possible” Lunch and Learn on Friday, October 19th, in the Peggy R. Williams Center, HR Conference Room G-52. We’ll have Saoirse McClory educate us about Hospicare services and what we can do for our loved ones or ourselves.  RSVPs are appreciated to 4-8000 or e-mail


Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Robin Davis at or (607) 274-8000. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

October Work/Life Line: Hospicare - Live As Fully As Possible | 0 Comments |
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