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The voter registration deadlines for most states are quickly approaching. Look up the deadline for your home state at


Here are the dates for IC’s most common home states:

New York: October 12
New  Jersey: October 16
Connecticut: October 23
Massachusetts: October 17
Delaware:  October 13
Pennsylvania  The deadline has passed. 

Note: Forms must be postmarked by the deadline date.  If You’re Already Registered, Good for you for you! If you haven’t, there’s still time to register in New York (you can use your campus address) and there’s still time in many states.

If you registered at your home address and are going home for Fall Break,  pick up or turn in your absentee ballot. Or you can order one via mail or sometimes electronically from your home state’s voter website. Visit our website at to find your state's election division, voter registration forms and other information, and information on absentee ballots for your state.
If you do not know whether to vote in Ithaca or your home state try checking out to see where your vote is more needed.


Register to Vote - It's NOT TOO LATE! | 0 Comments |
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