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Contributed by Melinda Butler on 10/12/12 

 Save That Haircut until November 14th

Hillel's annual Shoshana Rudnick Inch-a-thon will be all day Wednesday, November 14th in the North Foyer of the Campus Center  10" or more - free haircut!! Donate your hair to make wigs for kids with cancer - all hair collected will go to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  All other haircuts are $10 and all money collected also gets donated to charity.  Professional barbers & stylists cutting hair from 9am-6pm.  So save that haircut until then!

To make a 20 minute appointment or for more information contact Hillel's Program Coordinator, Jessie Kanowitz, <>



Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Michael Faber at or (607) 274-3323. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible.

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