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Don't Miss First Year Speaker, Eleanor Henderson, on October 24!Contributed by Paul Deamer on 10/17/12
The First-Year Featured Speaker is one of the highlights of the First-Year Experience. As author of Ten Thousand Saints, the 2012 FYRI pick, we are honored to have our very own celebrated author right here on campus to talk with first year students. A book signing reception will follow her talk. According to Eleanor, "One of the things that drew me to writing about the straight edge movement was the incredibly independent ethic of this DIY scene. Within a few years, without their parents, before the Internet, teenagers across the country had invented their own subculture and the means to support and disseminate it--through music, through zines, through the mail. I'm interested in what these kinds of youth cultures can teach us about crafting our own futures and setting the stage for a productive civic life." Plan now for what promises to be an engaging conversation with our very own celebrity! All first year students and new students are highly encouraged to attend this special event. Refreshments will be served during book signing reception. For more information on the First Year Reading Initiative, click here.
Individuals with disabilities requiring accommodations should contact Shaianne Osterreich at or (607) 274-3552. We ask that requests for accommodations be made as soon as possible. |
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